The company that combines psychosocial knowledge with smart digital technology

We develop physical and digital tools for psychosocial work and offers education and tutorial.

Our customers are all departments and institutions that want to run psychosocial development, both in the private and public sectors.

Två händer håller två pusselbitar som passar ihop
Skapa Innovationspris till minne av uppfinnaren Alfred Nobel

Assigned Skapa Hederspris Värmland 2020

Winner of DigitalWell award 2021

100 grader Karlstad

Nominated to Årets digitala välfärdsinnovation 2020

Psychsocial innovation

The term psychosocial means that mental health (psycho) is largely influenced and shaped by various social factors (social). An innovation creates change and can be seen as a process where someone develops and realizes new solutions to a problem.

Innovations are more than just an idea, they also require entrepreneurs who drives and organizes the realization of these. Ineq Solutions stands for creativity and initiative and develops new methods and tools to solve societal problems. By anchoring methods in theory, research and knowledge of the interaction between the individual and society, we create psychosocial innovations.



Buhobox is your school social toolbox. Here you will find digital tools and educations that are a support for you in your work with children and young people. Regardless of what you work with in school, whether you are an educator or student health staff, all children and students should be given the support, stimulation and community they need so that they can develop as far as possible.

Buhobox uggla



Confidbox is a digital toolbox that aims to provide support to companies to work practically with social sustainability and group dynamics.

Confidbox consists of various digital tools to be used as a complement to your usual employee surveys. The toolbox focuses on the group, communication and collaboration in order to deepen the understanding of the processes that take place within and between organizations.

Sustainability work

Ineq Solutions works to meet new societal challenges and change perceptions of what innovation is. We all need to take responsibility for and relate to the agenda goals, read more about our sustainability work here.

Globala målen för hållbar utveckling

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About Ineq Solutions

Ineq Solutions wants to be involved in developing the psychosocial work and bring it into the technical and digital world. We not only create tools, we create knowledge-based working methods and methods, psychosocial innovations that make a real difference.

Our friends

Karlstads universitet
Region Värmland
Digitalwell Arena
Digitalwell Ventures
Vinnova Sveriges innovationsmyndighet
Karlstads kommun


Sofi Finnstam

Sofi Finnstam

Lecturer, tutor and method developer

Sara Lindahl

Sara Lindahl

Project manager, lecturer, tutor och student health developer

Sara Lindahl

Mattias Lindahl

Full stack developer

About Ineq Solutions

Ineq Solutions combines psychosocial knowledge with smart digital technology. We help you ensure quality and simplify your work with the help of our tools and education.

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